Accessibility by road:
From the direction of Miskolc from the M30 motorway, going down from it towards Mezőcsát 24km from Nyékládháza.
From the direction of Budapest or Debrecen going down from the M3 motorway on the slip road at Mezőcsát, 2km from the exit.
The M3 motorway at the Mezőcsát-Hejőpapi intersection!
Distances from the surrounding towns:
- Tiszaújváros - 35 km
- Mezőkövesd - 35 km
- Miskolc - 40 km
- Eger - 70 km
- Tiszafüred - 60 km
- Debrecen - 80 km
- Nyíregyháza - 75 km
- Szolnok - 145 km
- Budapest - 160 km
- Szerencs - 65 km
- Nyékládháza - 24 km
- Emőd - 17 km
- Slovakian border - Bánréve-Hidasnémeti - 85-90 km
- Ukraine border - Záhony-Beregsurány - 145-150 km
- Rumanian border - Nyírábrány - 108 km
Accessibility by train:
- Nyékládháza-Mezőcsát railway (from a distance of 20 km) – only transportation of goods!
Accessibility by river:
- on River Tisza, the port of Ároktő is 26 km
Accessibility of the gravel mine (I.): from Mezőcsát-Nyékládháza road, continuously maintained, privately owned, crushed-gravel road (II.) goes to the weighbridge, through the land used for economical purposes owned by the mine contractor's owner-group. From the road there is a direct slip road to M3 motorway (III.).