
In the first part of the 20th century the mines were privately owned except for some treasury plants. As an important part of the period of social-economical change following the 2nd World War the whole mine industry of Hungary was socialized between 1946 and 1949 and then, in the name of ''socialist industralization'' a radical enhancement of production began based on the governmental central plans. Later it was followed by a wide scale of mechanization and the extension in the number of mined products.

In next 2-3 years after the Hungarian change-over the production reduced in some degree, however from 1994-95 it began to grow again due to the re-introduction of private ownerships. As a result the rock and gravel production multiplied. The mining of building sand and gravel raised from 19,7 million tons to 49,36 million in the period between 1994 and 2004. The mining of building materials were induced in the first place by infrastructural innovations. More detailed: the growing number of motorway constructions and private buildings induced this boom and also they do it today.

The Hungarian raw material stock:

This available complex information reflects the situation at the beginning of 2006. According to this, the mineable amount of stock in occurrences is the following:


Building gravel
(thousand tons)

In operation (mining site featuring Technical Operating Plan) 2 325 758
Free (Owning mineral wealth but not registered as mining site) 1 432 468
Temporarily closed 129 456
Closed 77 662


The amount of gravel mined in the country in the past few years:


The gravel-wealth of the region counties registered on 1st January 2006:



The gravel production of the counties belonging to the region from 1st January 2005 to 1st January 2006: